
Data Science Projects Basics

Environment Setup

The first step to start a data science project should always be setup a development file system, no matter on cloud or in your laptop. BatCat provides a one-line command to setup a well-organized file system for data science projects.

python -m batcat.FileSys

The interactive and immersive command-line interfaces as following. Just type down your project name, like battery in this tutorial. Then it will generate a file structure for your data science project and print out a file tree of it.

hi, there! please write down your machine learning project's name.
project's name: battery


  1. requirements.txt includes all packages you need in your project. We recommend you to list not only package names but thier versions in the file. Besides, this serves your well if you develop your project on SageMaker, for you have to install all required packages every time restarting the Jupyter Notebook instance.

  2. .gitignore includes data/* by default, which is our best practice in data science projects with git. Generally, you don’t want to git your data.

  3. docs/READM.md is inspired by How to ML Paper - A brief Guide. We highly recommend you to document your data science project in an organized way so that anyone, including youself, can catch up your thoughts in the future.


Most data scientists spend little time on logging and may just print out along the experiement in Jupyter Notebook. However, this can make annoying troubles when it comes to production environment or when the data science experiements require a long period to generate experiement records. Therefore, logging is critical to a data science project.

Python Module Logging is one of the most underrated features. Two things (5&3) to take away from Logging:

  1. 5 levels of importance that logs can contain(debug, info, warning, error, critical);

  2. 3 components to configure a logger in Python (a logger, a formatter, and at least one handler).

BatCat provides a function get_logger to make life easier.

import batcat as bc

log_name = 'battery'
log_file = '../log/batter.log'

logger = bc.get_logger(logName=log_name, logFile=log_file)

logger.debug('this is a debug')
logger.info('this is a test')
logger.warning('this is a warning')

logger.error('this is an error!')
logger.critial('this is critical!')


Just like logging, the importance of configuration is usually underestimated by data scientist but very crutial for machine learning engineers. Without configuration, you have to revise your core code time to time and expose the code to large risks.

We suggest you to store all your environment configurations in a json file and load it to your core code as a Python dictionary each time. This allows to keep your core machine learning code independent from these configurations so that can be transfered from development environment to production one smoothly.

import batcat as bc

config = bc.get_config(file='config.json')

Clean Code

To improve your machine learning code readability, we recommend pipe of pandas. The following is a sample code for inference – we structure the preprocessing and feature engineering tasks as pipe functions and stack them together as a pipeline.

import batcat as bc

# read data
df = bc.read_csv_from_bucket(bucket, key)

# preprocessing and feature engineering
df = (df.pipe(func1)
        .pipe(func2, arg1=a)
        .pipe(func3, arg2=b, arg3=c)

# inference
results = model(df)

# save results
bc.save_to_bucket(results, bucket, key)

After the pipeline is set up, you only need to revise each single pipe to tune your feature engineering, which doesn’t affect any other process in your code.


The code above utilize the I/O tools of BatCat, which provided as following section.

IO Tools

Services on AWS: S3, Redshift, Athena.

BatCat supports reading data from S3 bucket (directly or by Athena or Redshift) and saving back to S3.

S3 Bucket

Read CSV data directly from S3 and save a DataFrame to S3.

bucket = '2022-RnD-battery'
key = 'usage'

# from s3
df = bc.read_csv_from_bucket(bucket, key)

# to s3
bc.save_to_bucket(df, bucket, key)

SQL: Redshift, Athena

The above approach is fine with a given S3 object but can be tricky when it comes to scenarios you need write SQLs to query data. This can be handled with Athena and Redshift.

  1. Redshift:
    • Option 1: With host/password.

    • Option 2: With Secrets Manager.

  2. Athena: Service Glue is required before you query with Athena.

# from RedShift
query = """
    time >= '{}' and time <= '{}'

date_start = '2022-01-01'
date_end = '2022-08-01'

## with host/password
host = ''
password = 'this_is_a_password'

df = bc.read_data_from_redshift(query=query,

## with secrets manager
secret_name = 'secret/manager'

df = bc.read_data_from_redshift_by_secret(secret_name=secret_name,

# to RedShift
schema = 'your_result_schema_name'
table_name = 'your_result_table_name'

                       host=host, password=password, port=5439, database='dev', user='awsuser',
                       table_name=table_name, schema=schema)

The functions above are based on the package redshift_connector but more user-friendly for data scientists. You can read data from and save it to RedShift in your data science projects.


  1. If you don’t specify schema with bc.save_df_to_redshift, it will save to public by default, which is not recommended for database management reason.

  2. You may want to add a timestamp column to your dataframe with bc.save_df_to_redshift so that you can distinguish potential duplicated rows with if_exist="append".

Unlike RedShift, Athena is a serverless service and does not need any infrastructure to create, manage, or scale data sets. It works directly on top of Amazon S3 data sets. It creates external tables and therefore does not manipulate S3 data sources, working as a read-only service from an S3 perspective.

# via Athena
query = """
    time >= '{}' and time <= '{}'

date_start = '2022-01-01'
date_end = '2022-08-01'

region = 'cn-northwest-1'
s3_staging_dir = "s3://apac-athena-queryresult/ATHENA_QUERY"

df = bc.read_data_from_athena(query=query,


  1. Pay attention to the queries for RedShift and Athena are different.
    • RedShift: [datasource]_[database] as schema.

    • Athena: [datasource].[database]

  2. As Athena works directly on top of Amazon S3 data sets, you may save your results to S3 with tools directly saving to S3 Bucket .

Model Deployment on Cloud

We notice there are many combinations of services on AWS can serve the machine learning deployment, like 1) Lambda, ECR, 2) Lambda, EFS, 3) Lambda, SageMaker, Step Functions, 4) SageMaker built-in methods etc. Here we provide two practices as following.

API as a Product

Services on AWS: SageMaker, API Gateway.

API-first ML Architecture

SageMaker is AWS’s managed machine learning service. With SageMaker, you can deploy trained ML models as inference endpoints. These are REST APIs that can be called to get predictions from your model on new data. SageMaker takes care of provisioning resources, scaling your endpoint, and monitoring.

API Gateway is AWS’s API management service. It allows you to create REST APIs, deploy them, monitor them, and manage access to them. You can use API Gateway to create an API for your SageMaker endpoint and manage access to it.



A typical deployment workflow would be:

  1. Train your model and save it - either using SageMaker training jobs or on your own environment.

  2. Create a model package with the artifacts required to deploy your model.

  3. Create an endpoint configuration which specifies hardware resources like instance type.

  4. Create an inference endpoint from the model package and endpoint configuration. This deploys your model as a REST API.

  5. Use API Gateway to create an HTTP API for your endpoint and add features like caching, throttling, access control, etc.

  6. Call your endpoint/API to get predictions from your model.

  7. Monitor and scale your endpoint as needed to handle changing traffic.

BatCat provides a function deploy_model to take care of step 2 to 4 and a function invoke to test your deployed endpoint.

import batcat as bc
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

# Train model
lr = LogisticRegression()
lr.fit(X_train, y_train)

# Deploy model
response = bc.deploy_model(model=lr, model_name='battery-lr', bucket='2022-rnd-battery')

endpoint_name = response['EndpointName']

# Invoke and test model
results = bc.invoke(endpoint_name=endpoint_name, input_data=X_test)


The three key benefits of an API-first approach in data science and machine learning projects are:

  1. Easy Integration: APIs allow for seamless integration of machine learning models into various applications.

  2. Flexibility: APIs provide the flexibility to access the model from different client environments, promoting reusability.

  3. Scalability: Deploying a model through an API streamlines resource management and handles growing traffic more effectively.

Pipeline as a Product

Services on AWS: ECR, SageMaker, Step Functions, and Lambda.

Before we dive in the topic, let’s align on the meaning of “deployment on cloud”. This basicly involves microservice like container and serverless. In the AWS context, it related services:

  • ECR

  • SageMaker Processing

  • Step Functions

  • Lambda

  • IAM

Amazon SageMaker lets developers and data scientists train and deploy machine learning models. With Amazon SageMaker Processing, you can run processing jobs for data processing steps in your machine learning pipeline.

However, the most annoying part of SageMaker is that it offers many modules to faciliate model development and deployment but looks like a white elephant. What a data scientist need is something with shallow learning curve and the knowledge can be transfered to other cloud services, NOT something only works on AWS, which betrays the intend to use Docker!

So here’s BatCat. It provides templates to setup docker images, workflows of Step Functions, and triggers generated by Lambda functions – to slim down the setup work on AWS.


BatCat takes all steps in a machine learning product as processing jobs – data cleaning, preprocessing, feature engineering, predicting. Note that the training step is not in production stage but development stage so not inlcuded here.


  1. Create related roles and attach policies to it.

    Like any other AWS services, roles and policies setup is one of the most disappointing parts when using it. Refer to Identity and Access Management for more information.

  2. Go to deploy/ folder and setup templates:
    1. Revise config.json BatCat generated for your purpose (check the code below).

    2. Run init.py script.

  3. Add your data science core script.
    1. Add your data science Python script to the current directory, whose name should aligned with purpose. In the example below, it is usage-analysis.py.

    2. Revise your output destination with bc.processing_output_path.

  4. Run the scripts to deploy.

    That’s it!

All configurations you need to setup are stored in config.json.

    "project":  "2022-rnd-battery",
    "purpose":  "inference",
    "result_s3_bucket":  "2022-rnd-battery-dev",
    "partition":  "aws-cn",
    "workflow_execution_role":  "arn:[partition]:iam::[account-id]:role/[role-name]"


  1. project: your data science project name. We suggest a format as [year]-[domain]-[topic].

  2. purpose: or subproject under a project.

  3. result_s3_bucket: the S3 bucket to store data science results.

  4. workflow_execution_role: the role ARN you created in step 1.

Setup a result path within container so that the Step Functions can find and save the output to S3 later.

import batcat as bc

output_path = bc.processing_output_path(purpose, timestamp=True, local=False)

results.to_csv(output_path, index=False)

Then we obtain a deploy/ file structure as following.


Deploy it!

  1. Add your Python packages to the requirements.txt.

  2. Run setup_docker.sh.

  3. Run setup_stepfunctions_inference.py.

  4. Go to Step Functions on AWS to check the status.

  5. Go to Lambda on AWS and copy the lambda_function.py to it.

  6. Go to Cloud Watch on AWS to set up an Event Bus for the trigger.